St. Joseph Lubwe Parish, Mansa Diocese Since March 2019
St. Joseph Lubwe Pre–School
We teach children age from two to six years. There are three classrooms according to age – group.
- Baby class from two to three years
- Middle class from four to five years
- Reception for six to seven years.
We concentrate on Holistic Development thus the whole child’s Physical, Moral, Spiritual, Emotional, Psychological, Mental, and Aesthetic / Beauty.
Since we are still learning the Language and Culture of People in Zambia – Mansa Catholic Diocese, we are doing very little as follows;
- Sometimes we are requested to take Holy Eucharist to the Outstations when Priests are going for the Sunday Masses. Catechists in the outstations lead the Service without the Priests and we distribute Holy Eucharist to the people.
- Home visitation to children from our school and their neighbours. During this visit, we encourage them in their day to day’s life and pray together for God’s blessings and protection.
- We visit the sick and old people at their homes and those admitted to the nearby St. Joseph Mission Hospital where Sisters of Mercy work. During the visit, we encourage them in their pain and pray with them for God’s blessings and consolation from above.
- Every Sunday, we assist the parents and teachers of Sunday school to control the children during their Holy Mass. Ensuring they do not go out to play, make noise and beat each other or any other activity which is distracting them from attending service fully.
- Sometimes we are requested to help the Priest celebrate children’s or adults’ Mass to distribute the Holy Communion.
- We have a kitchen garden where vegetables of different types are planted for our consumption. The parish has a borehole where we get water for our vegetables directed into our compound.
We hope that soon things will be better, in Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray and believe!