About Us
Dedicated to Christ and the marginalized, fostering a legacy of perpetual devotion & Evangelization.
About Us
The African Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary pioneered as the first African women Missionaries. Established in 1975 in East Africa, the Congregation radiates its mission across Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and beyond. Embracing Christ’s holistic ministry, they embody missionary zeal, offering profound ministries like catechetical instructions and vital social outreach.
Two Comboni Missionaries founded our Congregation in 1975.
MCESM believes in serving by holding onto Christ’s holistic ministry here on earth, thus redeeming the whole person.

Our Charism
Our Charism is moved by the Pierced Heart of the Crucified Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd we are total to announce the Good News of the Risen Lord like Mary Magdalene to non-Christians.
Our Mission
Is to announce the Good News of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ to non-Christians by carrying out primary Evangelization through Catechetical Instructions; Planting the Church where it is not yet planted and brought to its full development where it is already implanted.