Located at Rubaga Hill Convent, Jinja Diocese, Uganda
Mother Pieralba Nursery School was started in 2007 on the veranda of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary. Later on, a mud house was built of old iron sheets comprising two classes and an office. Currently, we have three classes completed that is baby, Middle, and Top classes with the unfinished store. The aim of this Nursery School is to teach the Youth how to serve and provide formal education and guidance to children. This results in the spiritual, psychological, social, and physical development of the children.

Bishop Mazzoldi Preparatory School is located in Kazo Sub County, Kazo District – Mbarara Archdiocese. The school was started in February 2016 in a humble shelter as a felt need for the vulnerable and marginalized children living in Kazo.
We had 70 children enrolled in 2016; to date, the number has increased to 102.
We have been able to register our school. That is Mazzoldi Preparatory School –Kazo as an ECD centre in the District which will give us the way for registration of the Primary school as it is required by the ministry.
A three classroom block with a store and a pit latrine has been constructed for Rwamuranga School {Mazzoldi B} by AFRICA DIRECTO. Currently, we have 127 children.