Dedicated to Christ and the marginalized, fostering a legacy of perpetual devotion & Evangelization.

Two Comboni Missionaries founded our Congregation in 1975. They are Rt. Rev. Bishop Sixto Mazzoldi and Very Rev. Fr. John Marengoni; both of happy memories, in Moroto Catholic Diocese in the Northern Part of Uganda.
The Name of the Congregation was given on 8th December 1975. The first Centre of the Institute was in Morulem – Moroto Diocese. Its first members were 14 girls from Tanzania and 6 from Uganda.
On 16th July 1976, the 20 first aspirants became postulants. It was at the Apostles of Jesus’ Mother House in Moroto Catholic Diocese – Uganda.
Below are the chronological events that followed:
- On 9th December 1976, the First Postulants moved from Amaler to Kilacha convent in Moshi Catholic Diocese – Tanzania.
- On March 25, 1977, the first members of the Institute joined Novitiate. This marked the beginning of Novitiate, every year we have Postulants joining Novitiate. And on the same date, the Constitutions of the Institute were approved by the Holy See.
- January 1, 1979, the first 20 members of the Institute made their first Religious vows, thus the beginning of the profession every year to date. However, in 1990, the Novitiate at Kilacha Convent was closed down, making one Novitiate at Ongata Rongai Kenya. From 1991, the first profession has been transferred from January 1 to March 25, Feast of Annunciation of the Lord.
- July 27, 1987, our Co-founder Rt. Rev. Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi Passed on at the age of 87 years and 20 years later, our Founder Very Rev. Fr. John Marengoni passed on at the age of 85 years on 27th July 2007. on 26th March 2013; First Formator of the Members and the First Superior General of the MCESM who with the grace of God led the Institute from its foundation from 1975 to December 1989. May God Rest their souls in His Eternal Peace…Amen!