Our foremost gratitude goes to God who called us to be missionaries not only in Africa but also in other parts of the world as our Founders put it!
We thank Fr. Massimo who became our forerunner in the missions in Cuba, God’s spirit and Will, worked out through him. He shared our Charism with Cuban church shepherds who in haste asked our leaders to have us as God’s servants in their land, where Christ Jesus is little known and loved.
We believe strongly that our leaders are stewards of the kingdom of God, they sent Srs to begin a community in the Diocese of Holiguin, then followed by the Archdiocese of Santiago De Cuba, and the third community is ours in the Diocese of Ciego De Avila and who knows next. God is the master of the harvest.

Our Sisters in Cuba going for the apostolate. Sr. Angeline & Sr. Everone
Socializing with the Children